The Green New
Deal Superstudio

A national call and conversation about how the framework of the Green New Deal can be translated into design and planning projects, where they should take place, what will they look like, and who will they serve.

Running from August 1, 2020 until June 30, 2021, the Green New Deal Superstudio was an open call to explore decarbonization, jobs, and justice from a designer’s perspective and give form to what this movement-led vision could mean for the future.

The initiative attracted some 3,000 participants from over 180 studio courses representing over 90 universities in 39 states and 10 countries, as well as hundreds of practitioners from across the design disciplines participating in their own studios.

Learn more about the Superstudio, browse the project submissions, and access resources to run a Green New Deal-focused design studio of your own.

Browse the curated set or all 670 submissions, with projects ranging from adaptive reuse of degraded sites to regional-scale frameworks to visualizations of speculative futures.

Access readings, webinars, reports, and more that examine Green New Deal issues and the role of design in addressing the climate crisis.

Grounding the Green New Deal Summit

Examine the intersection of policy, design, and advocacy and ways to accelerate action by viewing recorded panel discussions with leading changemakers

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